
Two days ago, me and my family went to Puncak, Bogor, West Java. My mom and dad always visits our property in Mega Mendung, West Java at least Twice a week. This time i went with them because i looked for fresh grass i intended to give to my Guinea Pigs. After i get a bucket full of fresh grass and enjoyed mountain air, i asked to stop by to Cimory.

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Devilled Egg

Please don’t ask me why they named this food ‘Devilled Eggs’. All i know is this dish is perfect for your appetizer. I was tried to make this dish and it was so easy. You only need Boiled Eggs, Mayonnaise or Mustard, salt and pepper for seasoning, and some garnish if you like such as bell pepper powder, dried herbs or fine chopped parsley. Just add any garnish you like.

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Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff is a food that sticked in my head. Why? Because i had to cook this food for my first term test and i have no idea what kind of food this is. Well, they’ve been taught me how to cook this before and they did give me the recipe to make it. But this food is a foreigner to me. I remembered how the test went. I made the Beef Stroganoff a little too thin from the standard. Even though my chef teacher said the taste is good but i counted as a failed attempt.

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Baked Salmon Rice

It was about a week ago when me and boyf went to Loka Supermarket on Alam Sutra, Tangerang. I loved to go to a big supermarket that sell so many products, including import ingredients. I have big curiosity about anything. When i see a strange food i’ve never seen or ate and i think the meal is quite delicious, i will try as hard as i can to find the name and then the recipe so i can try to remake it at home.

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Wine, to drink or to eat?

Some of you must be familiar drinking wine or eating foods that cooked with wine. Well, maybe you don’t know if your food contained with wine, but i believe when you dining in a fine dining restaurant  then some of the food might contains wine in it.
We all know that wine had been used in so many events for centuries. In Christian, wine was Jesus’ first miracle. So that makes wine as an old beverage. Well, i’m not going to talk how wine made or how to taste a good wine. I’m going to talk about wine as a cooking ingredient.

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