Beef Stroganoff is a food that sticked in my head. Why? Because i had to cook this food for my first term test and i have no idea what kind of food this is. Well, they’ve been taught me how to cook this before and they did give me the recipe to make it. But this food is a foreigner to me. I remembered how the test went. I made the Beef Stroganoff a little too thin from the standard. Even though my chef teacher said the taste is good but i counted as a failed attempt.
Prep time: 15 Minutes
Cook time: 30 Minutes
Total time: 45 Minutes
Yield: 4
1 tbs Olive Oil
1 Clove Shallot
1 Clove Garlic
150 Gr Beef Tenderloin
15 cc Red Wine
20 cc Brown Stock
little bit Taragon
little bit Bay Leaves
little bit Thyme
50 Gr Mushroom Champignon
20 Gr Green Bellpepper
little bit Heavy Cream
Cooking Directions
Panaskan olive oil dalam saute pan. Masukan shallot & garlic. Masak hingga harum.
Masukan daging lalu aduk pelahan.
Deglace dengan red wine dan biarkan hingga reduce (air berkurang).
Masukan brown stock sambil kecilkan api, lalu masukan herbs.
Sesudah daging matang, masukan bellpepper lalu mushroom.
Tambahkan cream sedikit-sedikit hingga mencapai kekentalan yang diinginkan.
Aduk perlahan, angkat.