Steven Paul Jobs, or we can call him, Steve Jobs born on February 24th, 1955 at San Francisco, California. He was known as Apple Inc co Founder, a multibillion company that produce Macintosh, iPod, iPhone and its latest product ,iPad. He was risen by foster parents. His childhood wasn’t really good, but he made it through and successfully become the Most Influent Person in Techonology and also in Film.
On 1st April, 1976, Steve and Woz (Steve Wozniak; Apple Founder) built Apple Computer with the very first product Apple 1. They called it Apple because Steve is like to eat the fruit. On 1984, Steve kicked out from Apple because his bad temperamental leadership according to his employers. But then he made another computer company called NEXT. on 20th December 1996, Apple bought NEXT and that was the time of return for Jobs to Apple Computer Inc.