Fluffy (My first Guinea Pig)

Fluffy The Fatty

Right now i’m gonna talk about my pet. A few years ago i had a Black Labrador dog named Conan Doyle. He was died about 2 years ago after we tried to removed a tumor near his stomach. It was the saddest moment in mylife. I lost my own beloved dog who had been with me for almost 12 years. It hurts me a lot lost Conan. But i always love animals. So it took me 2 years after Conan’s death to have another pet.

I saw Fluffy in a Petshop in a mall at North Jakarta. He look quite fat and cute to me. My boyf asked me if i want to buy her or not. After a long discussed, i decided to bought Fluffy. I still remember i bought her for 50k rupiah. I went home with a wonderful feeling that time. I was happy to have something i care and responsible to. I named her Fluffy because i loved Agnes in Despicable Me Movie at that time.

more “Fluffy (My first Guinea Pig)”

Brownies Esteban in Memoriam (25 Dec 1998 – 26 Jan 2009)



Postingan kali ini saya persembahkan kepada hewan peliharaan saya yang bernama Brownies Esteban yang baru saja meninggal tgl 26 Januari kemarin. Brownies merupakan anjing yang berusia paling tua di antara kelima anjing yang saya pelihara.  Foto yang saya pasang adalah foto terakhir yang saya ambil ketika ia sakit. Dengan senang hati saya merelakannya tidur di tempat tidur saya. Di foto ini ia sudah terlihat lemah karena sakit lambung yang di deritanya selama beberapa hari sebelum ia meninggal.

more “Brownies Esteban in Memoriam (25 Dec 1998 – 26 Jan 2009)”