Right now i’m gonna talk about my pet. A few years ago i had a Black Labrador dog named Conan Doyle. He was died about 2 years ago after we tried to removed a tumor near his stomach. It was the saddest moment in mylife. I lost my own beloved dog who had been with me for almost 12 years. It hurts me a lot lost Conan. But i always love animals. So it took me 2 years after Conan’s death to have another pet.
I saw Fluffy in a Petshop in a mall at North Jakarta. He look quite fat and cute to me. My boyf asked me if i want to buy her or not. After a long discussed, i decided to bought Fluffy. I still remember i bought her for 50k rupiah. I went home with a wonderful feeling that time. I was happy to have something i care and responsible to. I named her Fluffy because i loved Agnes in Despicable Me Movie at that time.
Since that time, i looked and did some research about this animal. I joined a few group on Facebook that discussed about Guinea Pig and how to take care of them. I always tried to give all the best for my pets. I showered Fluffy with love, foods and everything that i thought will made her happy. Since i want Fluffy to be healthy, i learnt what kind of foods that allowed and forbid to gave to Fluffy. At the same day, i went back to the petshop and bought another Guinea Pig for Fluffy’s Friend. Her name was Frenzy. I will tell you about Frenzy on the next post.

I always remembered Fluffy as an easy going pet. She loves to eat her veggies and pellet. She also loves to sleep. From my researched, i found out that Guinea Pig has two kind of traits; Dominant and Submissive. And Fluffy is the kind of Dominant Guinea Pig. And Thank God Frenzy is a kind of Submissive to Fluffy so i have no problem putting them in a cage together.
I still remembered it was in December when Fluffy had diarrhea. Her poop was soft. I brought her to a regular vet because the Cavy Savvy (a vet for Cavy/Guinea Pig) was not in town. Unfortunately, the next day was my appoinment to my Podiatrist in Singapore so i had to leave Fluffy to my brother to take care of her for a day. After i back from Singapore, Fluffy had a blood in her poop. I went panicked and the Cavy Savvy still not in town, so my only choice is to continue the medicine she was given. I did research about Fluffy’s illness and consulted to some member in Guinea Pig’s forum about Fluffy’s condition and keep on eye on her.
Until two days later i found Fluffy died in her little cage (i separated her from Frenzy in case of her contagious illness). I was planned to bring her to the Cavy Savvy that day, but i think fate had made a choice. Fluffy was 1,5 years when she’s gone. I knew i lost another loving pet, but i still had Frenzy and Foxy (i bought another one after Frenzy) so i had to be strong and keep going took care of the rest of Fluffy’s sisters.
As an animal lover, i always thought that when your pet is died they went to a Rainbow Bridge. A place where they feel better and happy. I hope Conan is happy i gave him a friend to played with. Be good to Fluffy, Conan. :’)